Online job applications can be particularly challenging for those with dyslexia and other associated 'learning differences' and the article below, which appeared in the Guardian, relates to this. For those who are interested in 'good practice' in relation to job applications (and therefore helping to increase 'accessibility' in the workplace) please see the guidance below from the British Dyslexia Association: Application Forms (from the British Dyslexia Association's Code of Practice for Employers) • Filling in forms: handwriting and spelling difficulties may cause excellent candidates to present less than their true potential, and fall at the first hurdle. Application forms should be made available in alternative formats, such as online or by email attachment. Typed CV's should be accepted as an alternative to handwritten forms. • Employers should not insist on handwritten covering letters: a typed letter with hand written signature should suffice. • Forms should be designed in a dyslexia friendly format. Being 'dyslexia friendly' means you open up the talent pool - and by so doing it encourages applications from a greater cross section of applicants. Anyone can have a preferred method of job application regardless of whether dyslexic or not.